Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Located north-west of Cambodia, Siem Reap, neat and clean streets, accommodation options that cater

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Cambodia, a land of contrasts with a single word. On the one hand the world's most magnificent structures of the 1000 annual Angkor boomtown casino buffet temples, Kim heritage boomtown casino buffet and Apsara are the other side in the 1970s, came to power during the more than two million deaths, which is why the Red chimeras killing fields, torture chambers and painful history ... History of the vibrant and rich Khmer heritage for a long time place in this land of sorrow, pain, and left in silence. boomtown casino buffet
Traces of physical and mental trauma experienced Cambodians look in your eyes can read. In stark contrast to countries in Asia are low, a lull in the country, has the simplicity and stillness. Unlike neighboring Thailand colorfulness and vitality in these lands can not be felt. Reborn boomtown casino buffet from the ashes country boomtown casino buffet itself unexpectedly manage to draw people to him.
Green nature, small towns, magnificent sunsets of life with a country where heavy flows. What exotic islands promises, what a super luxury hotels ... What shopping centers, nor vivacious streets and night life ... the first to see the excite fails even, but in this country people a wrapper have peace of mind. I always felt and still feel it.
Cambodia, Southeast Asia, China is located in the southwest part of the peninsula Hindi. On the southern coast of the Gulf of Siam, north and east of Vietnam, while Thailand's west. Information about Cambodia
Cambodia, with a population of 15 million, with a multiparty democracy under a constitutional monarchy ruled. The capital Phnom Penh has a population of 2 million. Cambodia, the United Nations is taking place in the category of Least Developed Countries. The average growth rate of 4% of Cambodia's economy is based largely on agriculture and textiles. In recent years, the tourism industry has entered into a rapid development.
Cambodia became a French colony in 1867. Declared independence in 1953 until 115 years remained a French colony. Between 1975 and 1979, led by Pol Pot, who are Red (Khmer Rouge) during the approximately 2 million Cambodians were slaughtered. Since 1993, the peace process alive.
Still in the country boomtown casino buffet of mines is thought to be close to 9 million. Physical disability rate much higher than the world average, one of 236 persons with disabilities. Months as a result of mine explosion close to 300 cases of death or injury is experiencing. More than half of the population under the age of 20 and the average life expectancy of 50
90% of the population is made up of Khmer. Besides, Vietnamese 5%, Chinese 1%, and 4% other ethnic groups boomtown casino buffet are made up of part. Khmer is the official language used in French outside. 96.4% Buddhist, 2.1% Muslim, 1.3% at the beginning of the Christian religion mensup.kiş capita income to $ 2.361, even though most of the public monthly wage of $ 80-100 boomtown casino buffet per day working more than 12 hours.
Located north-west of Cambodia, Siem Reap, neat and clean streets, accommodation options that cater to every budget, you can enjoy international cuisine with many restaurants, bars overflowing evening boomtown casino buffet with a fun city.
Angkor Wat Temples: 5.5 km north of the city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site of Angkor Wat Temple in the more than 2 million tourists visit every year is. Angkor Wat I need to wander boomtown casino buffet at least one full day. Daily entrance fee is $ 20, 3-day visit to the park is $ 40 per week to visit if you need to pay $ 60. As of 5 pm Get access card is valid until the same time next day. Phnom Bakheng temple for the first day can be visited to watch the sunset. The next day we visited all the temples in a full day.
Khneas Tonle Sap and Chong (Chong Kneas Floating Village), which is the largest lake in South East Asia, Tonle Sap, one of the world's boomtown casino buffet unique ecological water reserve boomtown casino buffet and literally the source of life for Cambodians. The world's largest floating villages boomtown casino buffet on flood water bed and Chong Khneas worth seeing. Chong Khneas houseboat lake life in the age-old tradition which continues Cambodians, their boat house on the water with fishing and shrimp, alligator, encourage them to earn a living by farming. This floating village boomtown casino buffet school, police station, market, temples and petrol stations are available.
Angkor National Museum: The city's most important museum, the museum is hosting the 1000 Buddha gallery. Angkor Wat Khmer traditions and heritage can go to get to know. Siem Reap can be done on a bike tour. Accompanied by a buffet dinner with Apsara Dance in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List should be followed to do. TA Proho I (Thombi Rider) Temple, Angkor Wat, Cambodia Phnom Penh
Killing Fields boomtown casino buffet (Killing Fields) under the leadership of Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge atrocities created by time can be seen traces of the place. 15 km northwest of the city's. Death in Tarlaları, Choeung Ek Memorial monument located in the hair of human skulls URP

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