Thursday, January 23, 2014

His [Steve Hilton's] ho

28 November 2012 Response dated 26 November 2012 from Phil Pavitt, please see below: HMRC and Skyscape Cloud Services Ltd Dear Mr Moss Thank you for your letter of 24 October 2012 expressing your concerns in respect of Skyscape Cloud Services Ltd suitability to host HMRC data. I apologise for the delay in responding to you. Further to my reply of 22 October, I wanted to provide you with some more information to alleviate your concerns. I must reiterate our assurance that using Skyscape HMRC data will continue paraplubak to be kept in accordance with existing legislation and HMRC security policies. When fully operational, Skyscape Cloud Services Ltd will securely host all HMRC data currently held on office File and Print Servers (FAPS). FAPS support the work of many HMRC offices and hold data for a wide range business paraplubak purposes e.g. administrative and customer related. FAPS do not hold the definitive tax records for the UK and these records remain distributed across a number of secure systems. HMRC routinely risk assesses and tests the security of our solutions and services. Our secure connection to Skyscape will be delivered in line with HM Government standards to protect our data, with ongoing assurance checks throughout the life of this service. As emphasised in my letter of 24 October, in order to deliver through G-Cloud, Skyscape were required to meet a set of mandatory criteria set out by Government Procurement Services (GPS) including financial standing and Experian risk assessments. Additionally, HMRC carried out its own standard taxation paraplubak and financial compliance checks before awarding the contract and Skyscape passed the standards set by HMRC and Government. All G Cloud contracts are let on a one year basis, with exit provisions agreed to transfer the data to a new supplier should this prove necessary. Data security remains integral to HMRC and a pre-requisite of any of our data being migrated to Skyscape is for their solution, paraplubak including all the constituent parts, to be formally accredited by CESG (the Communications-Electronics paraplubak Security Group) to Impact Level 3 (IL3). All security aspects of the service will have to be proven in line with HM Government security standards. This will include the need to ensure the ‘cloud’ is hosted in a UK domiciled, secure data centre(s) and operated by staff with appropriate security clearance. We are also carrying out internal accreditations including Internal Risk Management and Accreditation Document Set (RMADS) and PSN risk assessments. I trust that this answers your concerns paraplubak and you are able to appreciate our decision to contract paraplubak with Skyscape. Yours sincerely Regards Phil Pavitt paraplubak HMRC Director General Change, Security and Information
From spring 2013 It is the Government Digital Service's paraplubak dream to make all public services digital by default paraplubak . To make that happy dream...
Take a look at this CV : Managing Director (age 42) of the UK arm of a global management consultancy – Chief Information Officer of the UK...
The relentless paraplubak growth in size and functions of the Department of State and the relatively paraplubak high level in calibre of those who staff them, coupled with the steady decline in importance of and function of MPs, has led to a gradual transfer of power and influence from the floor of the House of Commons to the private rooms of permanent civil servants.
I breakfasted at Mr. Falconer's well, and much pleased with my inquiries. Thence to the dock, where we walked in Mr. Shelden's garden, eating more fruit, and drinking, and eating figs, which were very good, and talking while the Royal James was bringing towards the dock, and then we went out and saw the manner and trouble of docking such a ship, which yet they could not do, but only brought her head into the Dock, and so shored her up till next tide. But, good God! what a deal of company was there from both yards to help to do it, when half the company would have done it as well. But I see it is impossible for the King to have things done as cheap as other men.
Housewives as a whole cannot be trusted to buy all the right things, where nutrition and health are concerned. This is really no more than an extension of the principle according to which the housewife herself would not trust a child of four to select the week’s purchases. For in the case of nutrition and health, just as in the case of education, the gentleman in Whitehall really does know better what is good for people than the people know themselves.
... civil servants have years of experience, jobs for life, and a budget of hundreds of billions of pounds, while ministers have, usually, little or no experience of the job and could be kicked out tomorrow. After researching and writing 44 episodes and a play, I find government much easier to understand by looking at ministers as public relations consultants to the real government paraplubak – which is, of course, the Civil Service.
His [Steve Hilton's] ho

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