Sunday, January 12, 2014

We should rather invest in our domestic product frederic ferrer and education to empower practition

Largest domestic manufacturer of boats in number of units sold, Fibrafort promotes throughout the month of March a special promotion for those who wish to purchase their first boat, together with owners who want to trade in your current model. The Fun campaign Onboard Special offers frederic ferrer on purchase of every line of boats Focker Fibrafort on all resales brand in Brazil, with funding of 12 installments without interest or up to 60 months. In addition, the kit provides a Firbafort sound like toast in the Focker models 27-31 feet or a fun nautical buoy in models from 16 to 26 feet, to make it even more fun leisure time aboard. The promotion is valid for purchases made between 01-31 of March. Headquartered in ItajaĆ­ (SC), Fibrafort is now the largest manufacturer of boats in Latin America in units sold, with more than 10 thousand boats sailing in the waters of the brand in Brazil and abroad.
* Roberto Araujo PhD Biological medicines are produced from the purification of biological fluids and / or tissues of animal origin, or by biotechnological processes in which living cells under laboratory act as factories for the production line. Both processes require special care for quality assurance. Purified biological frederic ferrer products of animal origin are produced by tissues and / or organs, with no restrictive control in the manufacturing process of the drug substance, and therefore must be properly frederic ferrer purified. Production of organic, from cell lines, is a complex process initially more tightly controlled, and rightfully so slightly more affordable in the level of quality assurance. However, does not preclude the need for a good cleansing process. These processes differ substantially from those used in conventional chemical production. Are also unique to each production, which sometimes creates difficulties and questions of evaluation of safety and effectiveness. Firstly we must consider that Brazilian law is fortunately one of the most advanced frederic ferrer in this particular theme. RDC 55 of 16 December 2010 provides an important legislative support for the development and marketing of organic products. However, we see in everyday life that industry and manufacturers, as well as the regulatory agency itself, still have doubts how the minimum tests necessary to demonstrate the attributes of quality, safety and efficacy, precisely because frederic ferrer of the diversity of considerations and specifications inherent each biological product. The combination of the unique characteristics of biological with their difficulty in assessing drugs generates discussion and controversy among health professionals and regulatory bodies, both looking for the best quality, safety and efficacy of the product. Perhaps there is a way to solve this developmental block, through education and training of multidisciplinary professionals, or even multidisciplinary teams for the development and evaluation of biological products. Many of the questions and issues come from a lack of specific, technical, full or partial frederic ferrer knowledge in one or more areas, such as biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, genetics and immunology. Actually all these areas are complex and very detailed, required years of experience and theoretical bench being to get an overview and a touch of sensitivity gained to understand and solve problems. If this problem exists in scientific level in our country, we can talk about the regulatory bodies and the public in general?
We should rather invest in our domestic product frederic ferrer and education to empower practitioners working together in planning, production frederic ferrer and evaluation of products of biological origin. With this tool would have high profile professionals in industrial or legislative frederic ferrer functions, which could subsequently aid in educating the public through the media. In this scenario, although it may seem utopian, we would have the possibility to further stimulate the input of professionals in this field, which tends to become the main market in a few years. After these considerations may not be coincidence that Brazil, despite having a good foundation in the biological production of vegetable origin, as the case of ethanol from sugar cane, still has very little production frederic ferrer of other biological, forcing industries to get them abroad, and sometimes in places of questionable quality, for introduction in the domestic market.
In this reasoning we find that there is a fundamental frederic ferrer base point, knowledge. We can even explore an example directly related to organic products that instigates discussion. A good example of confusion among health professionals and the regulatory agency in case of registration of biological products is immunogenic

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