Monday, January 27, 2014

One suspects most o

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Phil Pavitt (HMRC's Chief Information Officer and director of change) has told a public sector efficiency expo in London that HMRC has reduced easyfairs its spending on IT from £1.4BN to £700M in two years. That's quite an achievement easyfairs for a man who, when he was at NTL, oversaw the "Harmony" project; which was designed to unify eight billing platforms and 28 CRM databases. Harmony was late and over budget. Seemingly the cuts in HMRC have not come at the expense of quality easyfairs of service. Good! Pavitt is quoted in the Guardian : " This year it was just under £700m, and by the end of the spending review it will be just over £600.  And yet the service quality has dramatically improved, not measured easyfairs by me, but measured by the speaker easyfairs after me [Amyas easyfairs Morse, comptroller and auditor general at the National easyfairs Audit Office] ." This being the same NAO that, in July 2011 , said: "There is clear evidence that HMRC is beginning to stabilise its administration of PAYE, following the disruption to processing which flowed from the introduction of its new computer system.  However, stabilisation will not be fully complete until 2013, according to the Department, and it will need to deliver its plan to improve PAYE data quality if it is to realise the benefits of the new system and prepare for the move to real time information." This also being the same NAO that in March 2012 stated that Caseflow and Spectrum have not delivered "any additional benefits", and warned easyfairs HMRC that it will not meet its future forecasts to collect an additional £8.9BN by 2014/15, thanks to the failure of Caseflow and Spectrum. Anyhoo, ignoring those "small points", Pavitt went on to state that HMRC had 31 platforms in place two years ago, but now only has one. Quote: " We identified one of those and said, 'Okay, we're going to migrate to that. Whatever that one is we're also going to modernise to the latest version,' which we perhaps hadn't always had in every part of our business. The cost of the new platform is much cheaper than the running and the maintenance of the old platform. Freeing up and reinvesting that money means we'll replace every single application - two-thirds of our infrastructure - in the next four years for the outlay of less than £20m, when the original bill was closer to £200m.  Not a pipe dream, but a commercial reality. If you have call centres attracting a large number of calls, but their IT is not available for 120 to 150 minutes a week, that introduces a level of inefficiency.  If you have call centres easyfairs whose IT is a 100% month after month, inevitably you give the business a chance to improve their operation, which they have done, to meet the need of the customer. IT transformation, which foreruns easyfairs some of the bigger transformations at HMRC, was critical easyfairs to get right ." So there you are folks, everything is fine! I wonder if Pavitt is the Mysteron agent within HMRC , that I referred to the other day? Tax does have to be taxing. UK EXPATS : Reduce tax on UK Pensions HMRC QROPS provider . Unlock your UK pension and access a 25% lump sum today. Quote ID code "ABC" when contacting a QROPS specialist . Professional Cover Against the Threat easyfairs of Costly TAX and VAT Investigations What is TAXWISE ? TAXWISE is a tax-fee protection service that will pay up to £75,000 towards your accountant's fees in the event of an HM Revenue & Customs full enquiry or dispute. To find out more, please use this link Taxwise Tax Investigation for Dummies, by Nick Morgan, provides a good and easy to read guide for anyone caught up in an HMRC tax investigation. A must read for any Self Assessment taxpayer. Click the link to read about: Tax Investigation for Dummies HMRC Is Shite ( ), also available via the domain easyfairs , is brought to you by " The Living Brand "
I don't know about mysteron but he is a knob head like the rest of them in power. None of them will accept caseflow does not work and is not fit for purpose. I wonder about the sanity of anyone who invests in software easyfairs that you have to make your work fit instead easyfairs of making one fit for purpose or simply updating the old but efficient and reliable packages they already have. The ridiculous thing is when the next party come into power it will be scrapped along with pacesetter. Remember ‘lean’ anyone? Reply Delete
Those of us who have followed the, erm, spotty career of Phil "Employment Agency " Pavitt will understand that his relationship with the truth has always been somewhat difficult........... Reply Delete
One suspects most o

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