Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Our MINI VINTAGE WEDDING nilax was GORGEOUS! Here you will find photos and video of this our

Our MINI VINTAGE WEDDING nilax was GORGEOUS! Here you will find photos and video of this our "DREAM IN REAL LIFE"! But despite having already happened, the blog continues! The passion for "VINTAGE WEDDINGS" made me keep posting references to people who pass by! And if you are here, you must have been interested in the subject, right? Hopefully the blog will help and inspire you! Welcome (o)!
I do not know how to start this new POST after so many comments GORGEOUS that every blog visitor left! Paulinho and I read each and we are VERY HAPPY! I'll answer them ... also a form of demosntrar the size of my happiness and gratitude to all who passed through here ... and MANY WERE! Another great surprise for me! My humble little blog passed the 4000 MIL ACCESS! Thank FERNANDA FLORET ... THANK YOU ... SAMUEL MARCONDES know many get here redirected by the sites you! :) Today I'd post the video, but I'll leave tomorrow ... before that, I wanted to record BACKSTAGE AND DETAILS Our MINI VINTAGE WEDDING DESTINATION! There were so many amazing reviews, I just decide to share with you the "little things" ... This post is also a way to thank all the suppliers WONDERFUL I had my hand in the organization and realization of our MINI WEDDING! My "THANK YOU" to every one ... no pay what you have helped to make one of my biggest dreams! :) Here are some funny details that were part of the backstage of our big day ... I think this post may work more or less as a "reminder" that in the end everything works out! :) Just for one thing, just on our MINI WEDDING, I woke up with the biggest gripe! nilax Yes, I was menstruating ON OUR WEDDING DAY! Thankfully Paulinho took care of me very well ... stayed with me while I showered and my blood pressure was super low and it was taking me to the hairdresser! Imagine my despair! DYING OF THE WEDDING DAY PAIN! But the warm bath, the remedy and affection of Paulinho and everyone was calming things nilax ... Notice how my face was kind of "bloated" as he led me to the hairdresser a few hours before our MINI WEDDING! As I reported earlier, our room (A GOVERNMENT OF PALACE HOTEL SUITE) was WONDERFUL! When we opened the bedroom door, we could hardly believe it! THE ROOM WAS GIANT! nilax Almost bigger than our apartment here SAO PAULO! rs ... The bedroom furniture nilax is overturned by the historical heritage of the city and is GORGEOUS! This "anteroom" was the first room that was part of our room ... to open the door, the person had to go through the room to go to any of the "environment" of our room! The bed was beautiful ... although nilax a bit messy in the photo ... lol ... There were two rooms in a linked ... and at the same time, with individual entries ... so much so that, before the MINI WEDDING start, Paulinho is arranged below this room while I got ready in the master suite ... The bathroom nilax was GIANT! Seemed movie! The wallpaper in the room was GORGEOUS! On the eve of our MINI WEDDING were at two in the morning, and I Paulinho arranging the picture frames that would be used in the decoration! The door in DECORATING pictures were GORGEOUS! The photos used were from my parents' marriage, the marriage of the parents of Paulinho and had a photo that I love, of my mother's family (my mom, my aunt, my uncle, my grandmother and my grandfather) ... The picture frames were purchased by me, a week earlier, on 25 March! The furniture used in the golden hall was not leased. He is also part of the furniture overturned by the heritage of the hotel. They usually nilax do not allow the use of these mobile at weddings ... but mine was an exception, since it was a small wedding day and ... I'm in love with the furniture there ... and I was very happy when I gave this exception! :) The furniture was borrowed, but there was a huge responsibility ... we had to be very careful to avoid accidents like watering the tables without want or worse, scratching. And that's why we chose to put this blade cellophane on the tables ... although not very beautiful, we needed something that would protect the tables, without hiding the beauty of these mobile ... The only picture frame that I have not bought in March 25 was this oval ... it's my mom! This photo inside it has been transformed into design via an iPhone app for a friend of mine! rs ... The dishes were used in the decoration of my mother and my aunt! As our wedding was also a "DESTINATION WEDDING" (ie, outside the city residence of most of the guests), we decided that there would be no gift list. After all, the presence of each was already present! We knew everyone would have spent on the trip and did not want to do list .. But the guests did not comply with this and insisted that they wanted to present us ... it was a "tough fight"! r

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