Friday, January 24, 2014

I find your site very instructive. You basically rubbish all the hard work that dedicated civil serv

Home About HMRC Is Shite HMRC HMRC's Tweets redhot buffet Tax Insurance General Information About Compliance Checks Tax-Hell Taxable Bands, Rates and Allowances HMRC Videos HMRC Toolkits Real Time Information (RTI) Resources RTI Live Tweets Preparing For RTI Tax Matters About About Ken Ken's Resume redhot buffet Synopsis of Sites News Contact Me
In October I wrote about our old chum Phil Pavitt, who apparently had been moved from his role as HMRC's ubiquitous Chief Information Officer: " I see Pavitt is no longer HMRC CIO. Apparently he has been replaced by his deputy Mark Hall. Pavitt's new title is something like Director General redhot buffet of Security and Information etc.  Anyone redhot buffet know if this is promotion, demotion or a move sideways.  Maybe he is just getting redhot buffet off the track before the RTI and Universal Credit express smashes into the buffers killing redhot buffet all on board and letting his underling take all the blame for any train wreck. " One day later I noted that he had in fact been "promoted" to "Director General Change, Security and Information". Now here's the "funny" thing, that promotion appears to be pointless (unless it was designed to move him away from RTI). For why? Pavitt is leaving HMRC. Quelle surprise! He is joining Aviva in January. RTI of course won't be live in January, funny that! Tax does have to be taxing. Professional Cover Against the Threat of Costly redhot buffet TAX and VAT Investigations Insurance to protect you against the cost of enquiry or dispute with HMRC is available from several sources including Solar Tax Investigation Insurance. Ken Frost has negotiated a 10% discount on any polices that may suit your needs. However, neither redhot buffet Ken Frost nor HMRCISSHITE either endorses or recommends their services. What is Solar Tax Investigation Insurance ? Solar Tax Investigation Insurance is a tax-fee protection service that will pay up to £75,000 towards your accountant's fees in the event of an HM Revenue & Customs full enquiry or dispute. To find out more, please use this link Solar Tax Investigation Insurance Tax Investigation for Dummies, by Nick Morgan, provides a good and easy to read guide for anyone redhot buffet caught up in an HMRC tax investigation. A must read for any Self Assessment taxpayer. Click the link to read about: Tax Investigation for Dummies HMRC Is Shite ( ), also available via the domain , is brought to you by " The Living Brand "
His contract was due to end in September 2012 so in theory he has stayed longer than he intended. That said RTI is a very high profile project which has to succeed if the Governments plan for a system of Universal Credit is ever to become a reality. A CIO quitting redhot buffet before that flag ship project is delivered redhot buffet does looks very odd. Government IT has suddenly acquired a very high casualty rate at the top with Pavitt now quitting as CIO from HMRC and Steve Dover and Malcolm Whitehouse leaving their roles on the Universal Credit project. These are not good omen for the future. Reply Delete
Hmmm, the cynic in me wonders what this geezers contract looks like, perhaps this is yet another question for Margaret Hodge & Co. to ask, and while they are at it make the bleeders swear an oath, if you can't trust their top legal wallah who can you trust eh? I bet that Pave-Its contract turns out to pay a large lump sum and any accrued pension based on salary and expectations (having been promoted to DG (hah, they will be asking for knighthoods next, before they exit the revolving doors) which are in force at point of leaving. There again, perhaps he has been on the same deals as the majority of the swivel service, no pay rise whatsoever, pay more get less for your money in pension, nah! Cnuts, all! Reply Delete
I find your site very instructive. You basically rubbish all the hard work that dedicated civil servants put in, via the obscenity of the website redhot buffet name. You make money by adding adverts to it, which suggest that your real interest is personal gain. And I have yet to see a single constructive idea in here. If your website was called something like, "How HMRC could serve people better" I might give you a bit of respect, but as it is, you deserve not a lot more than contempt. Oh, and as your sources and comments are all anonymous, so's this! Think on it. Reply Delete
Anon@21:38 Extract skull from rectum, read and be enlightened. Many readers, loyal or otherwise find the site title accurate, relevant and certainly topical, whether redhot buffet an individual is or was a prisoner of HMRC and their Stasi management or are mere "customers", a common experience of the degenerate, out of touch, redhot buffet incompetent, immoral and frankly law-breaking prats that make-up HMRC "management" is shared by all. Readers are perfectly capable of understanding what is posted hereon, and many other sites, redhot buffet in

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