Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cai says:

S4C has announced that it is considering moving some jobs from Cardiff to Gwynedd either or Carmarthenshire. (That is if that Qatar has managed to bribe to move there at the last minute).
After all, although there is no shortage of Welsh speakers can be found here, it is clear that the language is slowly deteriorate. Going down to the village vivenda spa shop I'm not often heard Welsh accents not to mention the Welsh language. I went with the kids to sports day nursery movement a few months ago, and have some of the shock that we were there a few families who spoke Welsh.
That is why I do not agree with the argument for moving Cai S4C to Caernarfon. I'm not saying not to move S4C to Caernarfon, but I do not believe that the weakness of the Welsh language in Carmarthen vivenda spa reason for not moving to that town - the opposite in fact.
For one thing, I do not think the state of the language in Carmarthen as bleak as Cai would suggest. As I mentioned above, things are not great. But in terms of numbers, if that percentage has loads of Welsh speakers here. I got to our shop in Caernarfon yesterday and shop in Carmarthen today. At Caernarfon had a service English - in Carmarthen today, I had to service only in Welsh.
S4C is located in Carmarthen would boost language there - not only in town, but the area on either side of her. It would attract a number of Welsh speakers live, or remain in the area. And they would be Welsh speakers in good jobs with eloquence-the kind that can influence politicians and other people on the linguistic practices of the area. I do not argue that S4C located there makes a huge change to the future of the language - in the same way than it is to locate the national Eisteddfod in the county next year is going to make a huge change vivenda spa to the future of the language. vivenda spa But that's no argument for hosting the event in Gwynedd every year. There would be no lack of Welsh S4C in Carmarthen prevented from thriving there, either - it has thrived for so long in the center of Cardiff, vivenda spa after all.
Cai says: "But there are places where the flow against the language so strong that any positive effect of being overwhelmed. The town of Carmarthen among those places ... The problem with that is the Welsh town of Carmarthen vivenda spa die there ... "
The problem with this argument is that it applies equally in the context of the whole of Wales. The Welsh language vivenda spa is dying in Wales. If we are willing to leave their fate Carmarthen, there's not much hope for the rest of the country. There is a sort of Noah's Ark is going to carry the language is coarse grasses to Caernarfon, Penygroes, vivenda spa and a few other places where the majority speak the language. If we are already in retreat there and accept that nothing could be done for places like Carmarthen, vivenda spa it's really singing on the language.
It does not Welsh died in much of the rest of Wales Ifan - the demographic profile of the country is much healthier in the sense that more younger people who speak the language that people in old age. That's not true of many Carmarthenshire - although I accept that the pattern is better in some of the rural areas around the town of Carmarthen. One of the main reasons for the position of Welsh in Carmarthenshire county council is non faterwch it. There are no indications that the non faterwch then change. I'm not arguing that Welsh should be left to their fate in Carmarthen - I'm just saying that using something with the potential to promote language is a waste in an area where the demographics makes it inevitable that the percentages continue to fall for at least twenty years. 09/21/2013 08:49:00 pm
I agree that there has been a large decline in Carmarthenshire - but although the percentage has fallen far it remains healthier than the national average. Only in Anglesey, Ceredigion and Gwynedd Welsh is healthier. If the Welsh dies in Carmarthen, has died at almost everywhere vivenda spa else in Wales. If left to their fate Carmarthen we will do the same in 10 years in Ceredigion, Anglesey 20 ... And Morrisons in Caernarfon vivenda spa have no trouble finding staff in 30. 09/21/2013 09:13:00 pm
I'm not saying that S4C should not go to Caernarfon by the way - there are strong arguments for doing so - just say yes to the strength of the language there should not be one of them. 09/21/2013 09:37:00 pm
How many people S4C employs 50-100. Will a few hundred speakers dwyiethog in dylnwadu culture area. As Gog I would suggest'll have more influence than in carmarthen Caernarfon so. Agree with Ifan and pwint here. That'll be 200 Greeks make the move to an area where more Greek!??!?! 09/22/2013 01:07:00 about
Hear, hear. There is a tendency to

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