Wednesday, August 20, 2014

If you want to reduce or eliminate the consumption of dairy products, the most common alternatives

I had already tried some time ago to make a savory custard made with avocado and arugula (see HERE) inspired by the recipe of the famous Guacamole, the traditional spicy Mexican sauce made of avocado, served to accompany tacos, tortillas, seafood buffet vancouver grilled meat. .... The initial seafood buffet vancouver distrust of a completely new result for me is gone as soon as I saw and tasted my green creamy sauce obtained by blending avocado, arugula, garlic and a few other ingredients. The result was a creamy, velvety, tasty and light. I was so surprised and pleased by the result obtained from that day I have continued to buy avocados is to play my version of guacamole that we all loved, but also to experiment with new recipes!
The avocado, after the olives, the fruit is more rich in fat (23 g in 100 g of edible portion, for most monounsaturated). Due to its delicate flavor and its high fat content can frullarne the pulp and use it in many dishes that normally require the use of butter, cream, cream cheese seafood buffet vancouver or mayonnaise.
If you want to reduce or eliminate the consumption of dairy products, the most common alternatives are soy products (tofu, soy cream, soy yogurt ....). But if you do not like soy or not you can eat, the avocado can be a valuable ally in the kitchen. seafood buffet vancouver
In addition to the cold preparations can be used in bakery products such as cakes and cookies, in this case it must be reduced by half the amount of butter (or oil) provided for in the recipe and integrate the missing part with avocado smoothie. Compared to butter or avocado oil has the advantage seafood buffet vancouver of making fewer calories (160 calories per 100 g against 700 of the 880 oil and butter) and enrich our cakes, cookies and cream minerals such as potassium, phosphorus seafood buffet vancouver and magnesium.
As for me I have limited time to use it only to cold, but the idea to use it to make cakes intrigues me a lot, especially in this period where I would like to limit as much as possible the calories consumed!
This sweet cream with cocoa, as well as the savory version with rocket, is fast to prepare, just put it in the food processor and blend all the ingredients. The cream obtained seafood buffet vancouver can serve as a pudding, seafood buffet vancouver you can use as cream spread (avocadella !!) or as a real custard with chocolate filling for tarts, cream puffs .... Ingredients 400 g of chopped seafood buffet vancouver avocado seafood buffet vancouver (or more less than 2 fruits average) 50 g unsalted roasted cashews 4 tablespoons unsweetened seafood buffet vancouver cocoa powder 9 tablespoons rice malt syrup grated rind of 1 orange
Use avocados that are slightly soft to the touch, are hard if you need them mature a few days at room temperature. Chop the cashews in a small mixer and cut it into powder. Grated with a zester orange peel. Peel the avocado, the core and cut into cubes. If you have leftover pulp store it in the freezer, you can use it later for other recipes. Put all ingredients in food processor and blend until you get a smooth cream.
If you want to use the cream as a pudding with these quantities are obtained 3 portions. Eye because each serving equals 600 calories! As you can see it is not a dessert suitable for those who decided to go on a diet, on the other hand 1 serving of this snack is packed with minerals, especially potassium seafood buffet vancouver (35% RDA recommended daily dose), magnesium (60% RDA), phosphorus (50% RDA) and iron (140% RDA).
Wow! Cioccolataaaaaaa:-D Oh, but from that a little bit at a time I get close to the infamous avocado ... maybe with cocoa becomes passable heheh joke. It is also gluten free. With the foresight to take cocoa and malt guaranteed seafood buffet vancouver gluten free. Regarding calories, well yes, there are a few, however, if you are passionate about chocolate could be used as a substitute for a meal or breakfast ... (I'm always ready solutions when it comes to chocolate!) Delete Reply
In fact, the taste of the avocado does not feel at all (maybe that's why the cream is coming good?), You only hear the cocoa flavor and aroma of chocolate orange so if you think you will not be disappointed employee ! And 'perfect for breakfast or after the gym when it takes energy to fuel a bomb, or, indeed, seafood buffet vancouver when you are a' sudden desire for chocolate! Delete
What a crazy idea !! I never thought of avocado with chocolate !! Beautiful, yes, it is true that it is a bomb but a nice dollop the assaggerei really happy !! Have a nice evening !! Delete seafood buffet vancouver Reply
I know it may seem like an odd combination, but the taste in the end is not very different from what you would get using a cream cheese or something

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