Sunday, August 31, 2014

Transient allowed and recruit additional

23/08/2014 The Greek crisis has the same origin as that of Ukraine, the neotaxika predators based (as opposition solves ties) in the USA and remain circus circus reno buffet intact from what any political changes. For twenty years, immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union, Soros and others neotaxites have tens of billions circus circus reno buffet of dollars in Ukraine aimed at capacity building and raising people circus circus reno buffet who will serve the conquest of the country.
Every nation has a dark side in the Ukraine which suffered from the Soviet occupation, the Germans regarded the SS as liberators rather than as conquerors, if spared the heavens even temporarily (1941-1945) by Soviet -Rosous.Itan easy for 'Western' to breed the monster of Nazism with the results we see today. Russian-speaking ethnic cleansing massacres and bombings cold, similar tactics of German circus circus reno buffet troops in the occupation.
The similarities are amazing even in regular -epicheirisiako level with the occupation of Greece by the grandfathers of Merkel.Ta German troops in Greece were characterized by an inability to tackle the insurgency and so ruthlessly beating civilians in a tactic reminiscent of burning displaced whole forest to xetrypothei circus circus reno buffet liontari.To the same make and Ukraine today.
In Greece, the country's efforts conquest began much earlier than the same 'west' centers immediately after the civil war when it emerged the new venture fireplaces' and politicians who had direct origin of the collaborators of the occupation who never executed by the Germans as some naively believe but instead received and protection of the British who, after the beginning of the Civil War gathered circus circus reno buffet and sent them temporarily in Africa until things calmed down.
Those behind the 'west' is the USA and Germany, countries that assisted in Qatar, Turkey and Israel, a relationship which is obscured the precise hierarchical structure where as if gang and cartel mobsters and not ordinary circus circus reno buffet criminals occasionally blackmailing each other but managing to maintain consistency.
Transient allowed and recruit additional 'thumbs up' as did Germany and Poland, which considers that the western part of Ukraine and with great joy written by Germany to attempt conquest of the country. circus circus reno buffet The obstacle to Poland-Germany alliance for the conquest of Ukraine named Lech Kaczynski, the Polish circus circus reno buffet prime minister exercised independently and policy 'has circus circus reno buffet to mean' to air dystichima 2010 crash which has not yet been elucidated .Malista not the Germany tried to 'load' Putin and the secret circus circus reno buffet services, which was ever proved. However, it is easy to see that Putin never kill him to enthrone Kaczynski as prime minister the government scheme and has since followed the most servile ally of the Germans in Europe. (More here The end of the German principality in Europe)
If used in Ukraine love to Nazism or rather not doing an injustice to the millions of Ukrainians, the sympathy towards their liberators SS, in Greece was used as a tool ekmaflismou another property of the Greeks, the servility and lack of social cohesion is strengthened by the blind faith in the family at the expense of the whole. circus circus reno buffet
The Greeks having suffered 500 years of slavery has learned that the state is the enemy and that the only institution that will support the same family with the widest sense. So raise their children with the idea that the state is and will be vicious and hostile and that what matters is success at the expense of the state and for the benefit of his family. So no matter circus circus reno buffet who is in power they will be, by definition, bad.
This visa allows really really bad and nefarious circus circus reno buffet occupy the expected power if considered from the people '. Another consequence of the new visa schizophrenic Greeks common is that eventually, everyone circus circus reno buffet without exception, rich and poor, rulers and citizens, to consider 'western' as above, although circus circus reno buffet it will never openly admit it. The Greeks possessed of inferiority and regardless of how high they have come to power is always willing to perform as faithfully puppies commands of 'western'.
A typical example servility junta generals who were content to 'assurances' envoys of the United States and Britain that the Turks would not attack in Cyprus, even when landing them started from the port of Mersin. The 'Greeks' generals who were supposed p

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