Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The latest from the kiosk

Finally the winter is over, we are in the spring and a nice savory cheesecake is an excellent proposal for a mouth-watering meal and complete. The avocado is a fruit exceptional and I am not referring vitrina only to the flavor, but especially to his many properties (rich in antioxidants, vitamins and omega 3 is anti-cholesterol, anti-cancer, can also be used for beauty treatments). vitrina Oltrettutto being a rich source of vegetable protein, vitrina may represent a viable alternative to legumes, soy, nuts, seitan, etc. .. The flavor of cheesecake that will keep even the next day, but the look is ruined! Unfortunately the avocado pulp in contact with the air oxidizes immediately and despite the recipe contains lemon juice just to prevent it happening, this will help to maintain its color live for a few hours. E 'therefore better to eat in the day. What I propose is a lighter version, so you will need to compact the bottom right also add a few drops of water (if you do not mind then, increase the butter 100 gr).
Ingredients for the filling: 300 g 0% greek yogurt 200 ml milk 4 gelatine vitrina leaves 1 ripe avocado 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 3 tablespoons lemon juice 2-3 chives 1 teaspoon salt lemon slices to decorate
Cut the avocado in 2, taken the core (one way is to give it a sharp blow with a knife, rotate it and you will see that it will remain vitrina attached and it will be easy to remove) and removed the flesh with a spoon.
The latest from the kiosk
Home Starters First courses Second courses and appetizers and baked bread, pizzas and savory various leavened cakes and savory recipes Side dishes and salads Sweet various rustic cuisine Finnish Sauces, dressings and preserves savory sauces, creams, cakes and preserves covers sweet and savory vitrina preparations based Techniques and recommendations Conversion Table dl / g conversion table unit American Contest and Awards received vitrina
sliced egg sauce biscuits broccoli appetizers avocado meat, preserved salted chocolate sweet preserves contours Creme dessert tarts sweet treats Finnish buns and cheese pizza fruit berries shrimp dumplings Homemade salad vegetables Leavened Dough light almonds and dried fruit eggplant jam barley bread and allied cream pasta fillo dough shortcrust pastry peppers potatoes philadelphia fish dish meals Pasta dishes recipes Polenta Sauces seconds faster curd rice dishes semolina puddings without eggs appetizers Techniques vitrina tuna cakes Cakes egg yolks vegetarian yogurt zucchini soup
Salty croissants with Cooked Ham, Emmenthal, Tomato Slices and Mayonnaise
My Fashion Camera Bag ... a bit 'of my own!
Ice cream cones dressed to the nines
Homemade zucchini, salmon and almonds
2014 ... All New and Exciting A Return
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