Sunday, August 17, 2014

it hunts small insects

it hunts small insects
INGREDIENTS for 2 people 1 ripe avocado 2 Sicilian artichokes 1 clove garlic juice of 1 lemon a handful of black olives, pitted sea salt, olive oil, pepper, sweet paprika used only organic products
PREPARATION Treat for the artichokes, removing the stringy part of the stem, the leaves and the tips of the artichoke harder: cut into pieces, wash well and leave to soak for 20 minutes in water acidulated with the juice of half a lemon.
Peel the avocado, big boy japan half cut into slices, and sprinkle with the lemon juice: blend the other half avocado with a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of salt and sweet paprika and prepared the dish a bed on which to lay the artichokes stews, slices of avocado and black olives pitted. Decorate with a little paprika and serve immediately. big boy japan
I also always watch the blackbirds, especially when they are perched on the branches of my plants in the balcony big boy japan on the hunt for black berries. I always leave the crumbs and seeds of my canary and often can not see them, partly because most of the time they are not afraid. I also like because they remind me of the crows that appear mysteriously in the mountains everywhere when they see food. The avocado I do not like at all, but rather the artichokes. Beautiful tone-on-tone color combinations. Good week, Mari! Delete Reply
I know ... that the birds you are particularly cute! Strange that you do not like its taste is rather big boy japan neutral and that's fine for both sweet and savory recipes, perhaps he has not understood: I love it! ;-) Delete
Eh, yes, even by us the blackbirds are the protagonists of the period together with the sparrows, and we said goodbye for now the robin that made us company in the winter ... Great recipe, with quell'avocado Sicilian, certainly super! Delete Reply
Z. MARI April 7, 2014 19:11
I birds love them. We have also made investments for the Lipu. But really you can not find your fave? Here begins big boy japan the period as you pull the dietro..però the need to strictly call pods or else you do not understand nessuno..Te I send a little 'post if you want! This combination, however, big boy japan is to try! teresa (we do not know why now I am only sign I Veg..boh) Delete Reply
Hello Mari, no, but that combination did you do?!?!? Try it now !!! Truly original artichoke with avocado and olives .. me intrigued! Cip (ciop?) Is gorgeous .. even here we have adopted a blackbird, is on time every day to claim the crumbs of bread .. well, needless to say that he (she?) Balenavolante The restaurant is open 7 of 7 Reply Delete
In the house where I lived before, on the terrace was always big boy japan a delightful sparrow big boy japan that stopped on the table or on the edge of the ledge, I had photographed it too, looked really wanted to make friends, was on time, looked every morning when we had breakfast! Thanks for reminding me, the birds I love them and I have always defended even by ambushes by the cat! : D Di artichokes I eat so many at this time and put them to rest on this bed of avocado soft soft tickles me! Delete Reply
poetic image that blackbirds ... even in my house there are parecchi.Mi also really like the magpies, crows, however, a little less poor things too ... always associated with horror films, we say that it helps to be sympathetic to the più.Settimana last I saw a woodpecker in the tree in front of my, time to get my camera and was flown via.Che sin. Speaking of your recipe instead ... I gusta.dove there is the avocado, there's Valentine! a big kiss Delete Reply
How I love the avocado !!!! 'm Going crazy! But I only eat it in salads or guacamole ... definitely have to try your recipe :) But you know that this is beautiful relationship that emerges between you and nature? I swear that every time I come and see you I want to go outdoors, to run in the parks :) A kiss Delete Reply
The avocado is my little big rock but this recipe I think it might finally convince me not to look at the lighter side of cute little fruit ... if only because I fixed the artichokes and eat them with everything !!!!!! ! I stayed back with your own recipes and force me to try them all !!! A big kiss Delete Reply
Pie with potatoes, olives and tomatoes big boy japan
3 months ago
The information you find on this web site are generic in nature without scientific foundation or doctor, so do not in any way replace the Type Medical / herbal / dietary which is well tested periodically. The information is disseminated for informational big boy japan purposes and with the intention of spreading a food culture and a lifestyle more healthy. Therefore the Autric

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